Collaborations and network
The development of the research activity conducted within the SEP laboratory is connected to the fabric constituted by the various scientific networks, federative research structures and learned communities existing at the national level. The SEP is thus a member of...
In a view to strengthen its academic anchorage in the Parisian area and to increase its visibility at the national scale, the SEP laboratory, via its Laboratory Council, has responded favourably to the invitation of Université Paris Saclay to join the FEDEV federative research structure. The Demenÿ-Vaucanson Federation (FéDeV) ) is a federative research structure whose objective is to promote collaborative projects in the general field of movement sciences. Named FED 4252, FédDeV brings together the scientific and technological skills of about fifteen research units with two main missions. On the one hand, it consists in animating and structuring the scientific community in the field of movement sciences represented by its constituent units. On the other hand, it aims to promote, facilitate and boost exchanges between research, training, and tech transfer (industrial, medical, etc.) through various actions. The integration of the SEP into this scientific network aims to facilitate the contact with structures bringing together original and/or complementary skills on delaing with the optimization of sports performance. It should also favor the development of national and international collaborations and create the conditions for applications for national and international calls of proposals. Finally, with the prospect of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024, this platform is a great springboard to develop resources in the context of research projects related to the optimization of sports performance.
On the national level, the positioning of the SEP laboratory has been consolidated since the beginning of the year 2016 by the construction of a Scientific Support for Performance Network within the framework of the Grand INSEP. The grand INSEP (GI) is a national training center network dedicated to athletic performance covering the entire French territory. The network aims to provide high performance solutions for both athletes, coaches and support staff. Led by a former researcher from the SEP laboratory, this work aims to build a network bringing together the structures involved in research actions related to sports performance. Two initial surveys were conducted among national schools and Centres for Resources, Expertise and Sports Performance (CREPS) and laboratories attached to the Training and Research Units for Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities (UFR STAPS). The assessment carried out at the end of this consultation allowed sport stakeholders to identify the majority research topics, addressed by the various members of the network. Since May 2017, these surveys have been structuring the construction of dynamic mapping on an online platform. This tool will eventually bring together all the existing resources and materialize the network of scientific collaborations on elite sport performance throughout the territory.
These exchanges have generated a significant number of collaborations with institutes, research centers and universities invested in issues related to sport such as...
Pr Jean-Benoît Morin
Quantification de la charge spécifique en sprint
Durée de la convention
Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Biologie de la Motricité
Dr Pascal Edouard, Dr Jérémy Rossi, Dr Thomas Lapole, Dr Léonard Feasson, Dr Pierre Samozino
Prévention de la Blessure
Durée de la convention
BioMaps (INSERM)
Dr Jean-Luc Gennisson
Imagerie musculo-squelettique pour la prévention des blessures
Durée de la convention
Dr Bertrand Luvison
Intelligence artificielle pour la compréhension du geste sportif
Durée de la convention
Laboratoire Motricité, Interactions Performance
Pr François Hug
Propriétés muscle-tendon, performance et blessure
Durée de la convention
Dr Martin Buchheit
Quantification de la charge et adaptations musculaires
Durée de la convention
Institut de Biomécanique Humaine Georges Charpak
Pr Philippe Rouch
Remaniements musculo-squelettiques et performance
Durée de la convention
Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées
Dr Mounir Chennaoui
Adaptations au stress
Durée de la convention
The SEP Laboratory is part of the French-speaking network ReFORM, which received in 2018 the label "Research Centre for prevention of injury and protection of athlete health" from the International Olympic Committee. This group of French-speaking research teams brings together :
- L'unité SPORTS² de l'Université de Liège
- LIROMS Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science
- L'Institut National des Sports du Québec
- Les Hopitaux Universitaires de Genève
- L'Institut de Recherche bioMédicale et d'Epidémiologie du Sport (IRMES)
- Le Pôle Médical de l'INSEP
- Le Laboratoire Sport, Expertise et Performance (SEP)
AUTRES Relations internationales
- En Australie (D. Bishop, Victoria University, Melbourne ; B. Dawson, The University of Western Australia, Perth)
- En Norvège (T. Raastad, O. Syennes, Norvegian School of Sports Sciences, Oslo)
- Au Royaume Uni (J. Louis, John Moores University, Liverpool ; N. A. Stanton)
- En Suisse (GP. Millet, Université de Lausanne)
- Au Qatar (O. Girard, S. Racinais, Aspetar)
- En Autriche (H. Gatterer, University of Innsbrück)
- En Espagne (J. Mendiguchia, Zentrum Sport, Barañáin)
- Aux Pays Bas (C. Stam, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam)
Implication dans les sociétés savantes
- Guilhem G. (2019-2020) Membre du Conseil Scientifique du Groupement de Recherche Sport & Activité Physique (GDR Sport & APS)
- Joncheray H. (2019-2023) Élue (suppléante) au Conseil National Universitaire (CNU), Collège B (Maîtres de Conférences) de la 74ème section (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives)
- Joncheray H. (2019-2022) Membre élue de l'Executive Board & Vice-Présidente en charge des relations internationales de l'International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA)
- Ruffault A. (2019-2022) Membre du Managing Council de la Fédération Européenne de Psychologie du Sport et des Activités Corporelles (FEPSAC)
- Joncheray H. (2017-2020) Membre élue du conseil d'administration de l'Association Francophone pour la Recherche en Activités Physiques et Sportives (AFRAPS)
- Ruffault A. (2017-2021) Membre du Comité Directeur (Trésorier) de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport (SFPS)
- Macquet AC. (2015-2018) Membre du CA de l'Association de Recherche en Psychologie Ergonomique et Ergonomie (ARPEGE)