Chercheur en sociologie de la performance sportive
Responsable de thème Equilibre de Vie
- Sociology, psychosociology
Research Topics
- Socio-cultural factors & sports performance
- Optimisation factors and performance strategies
- Life balance & sports performance
Scientific Support (ASP)
- Interventions : sociological surveys
- Measurements : questionnaires, interviews, observations
- Federations : French Athletics Federation, French Handisport Federation, French Paralympic and Sports Committee, French Shooting Federation, French Rugby Federation
Current Students
- PhD Students : Simon Valverde (co-direction), Sébastien Imbert (co-direction), Rémi Delafont (co-direction), Seghir Lazri (co-direction)
- Masters :
- Beldame, Y., Joncheray, H., Duquesne, V., Richard, R. (2024). “They Don't Really Care about my Results, they Prefer Selling my Life Story.” Inspirational Paralympians and Sponsorship. Communication & Sport. 12(2):194-209.
- Forte, L., Julla-Marcy, M., Derycke, S., Richard, R., Hanon, C., Joncheray, H. (2023). De l’« être pro » au devenir professionnel : variabilité des discours, pratiques et ressources au sein de l’élite athlétique. Revue Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives.
- Joncheray, H., Chavinier-Réla, S., Burlot, F., Dalgalarrondo, S., Fukazawa-Couckuyt, S. (2022). Experiences of normalization of pain and injury in elite adolescent basketball. Sociology of Sport Journal. 40(1), 69-77.
- Duquesne, V., Richard, R., Andrieu, B., Joncheray, H. (2022). Sports Experiences of Elite Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities and / or Autism Spectrum Disorders. Sport in Society, 26(5), 854-868.
- Richard, R., Burlot, F., Duquesne, V., Joncheray, H. (2021). “I had a dream: it was to play the Games”. Sports socialization processes of French Paralympic athletes. European Journal for Sport and Society. 19(2), 99-116.
- Burlot, F., Desenfant, M., Joncheray, H. (2021). The Educational Project in the Context of High Sports Performance. Sociology of Sport Journal. 53(2), 234-249.
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